The Cascadia Disaster Corps stands ready to support communities around the bioregion prepare for, respond to, and recover from disaster and humanitarian crises. We need professional and experienced responders and  volunteer team members to lead these missions.

Cascadia Response Teams (CRT) help communities across the Cascadia bioregion respond to and recover from natural and man-made disasters. Our team is made up of professionals and civilians who have undergone training to assist in times of need.

CRT’s leads the Cascadia Disaster Corps engagement in co-operation with bioregional, state, local government, nonprofit, and other partners. The CRT’s role as the central hub for the agency’s disaster-related activities ensures that the Disaster Corps engagement in this area is appropriate, consistent, and coordinated.


Bioregional Response Framework (BRF)

The Cascadia Disaster Corps, through the CRT, is part of the Bioregional Response Framework. The BRF is a guide to how the bioregion responds to all types of disasters and emergencies. It is built on scalable, flexible, and adaptable concepts identified in the Bioregional Incident Management System to align key roles and responsibilities across the bioregion.

This Framework describes specific authorities and best practices for managing incidents that range from the serious but purely local to large-scale terrorist attacks, ongoing human crisis or catastrophic natural disasters.  The Bioregional Response Framework describes the principles, roles, responsibilities, and coordinating structures for responding to an incident and how response efforts integrate with those of the other mission areas.

FEMA, Tribal Nations and FERP Mission Assignment Development

In the event of a United States, Canadian or Tribal Nation declared disaster, the CRT works with state, provincial, First Nation and bioregional partners to identify unmet needs.

In developing a Mission Assignment, the CRT will identify unmet needs, develop a timeframe for response, and provide technical and manual assistance to partners.

Disaster Response Teams

Cascadia Response Teams form from volunteers from around the bioregion in a time of emergency, with the full support of the Cascadia Disaster Corps, our Auxillary support groups, and benefits of our 501(c)3 insurance coverage. Volunteers have professional experience or have undergone specific disaster response trainings, and specialize in the fields of radio, medical, military, EMS, infrastructure support or disaster response.

How We Respond:

  • Cascadia Disaster Corps command team
  • Volunteer Management
  • Donation Management
  • Weather related relief – Heat, Cold, Shelter / Food / Water
  • On site disaster response and recovery
  • Mobile Infrastructure support
  • Debris Clearing and Removal
  • Mucking / Gutting
  • Wildland Fire Suppression and Support
  • Fundraising and Logistical support
  • Amplifying Partner Voices